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My Journal

2021–Year in Review

What a year 2021 has been! Thanks to covid, I didn’t get to travel and do a lot of things I had planned, but I did find some new hobbies, such as, baking, lattes, candle making, marble plates using a Dutch pour method, resin art, punch needle embroidery, yarn art, paper making, clay bowls, skincare, and finished a paint by number painting that took me over 10 months, and 80 hours to finish.

I have been working remotely since March 2020 and when I went to the city after more than a year, I almost had a panic attack as I didn’t know what to expect and how chaotic the public transportation will be. Even though things have changed drastically, I ventured out as much as I could while taking all the safety measures, of course. Since I didn’t feel comfortable traveling internationally, I traveled locally and went to NJ, PA, RI, Upstate NY, and visited my friends in DC. I also visited new restaurants, cafes, shops, markets, museums, events, parks, and historical sites. You can view my adventures on my journal and instagram.

My eldest brother and his family from Germany were able to visit in July so it was nice to reunite with them and spend time with my niece and nephew. My second brother was blessed with a daughter in October and everyone in my family was so excited to meet our little bundle of joy. I got to reconnect with some of my friends I haven’t seen in a while and it was so nice to catch up with them and hug them tightly as we all needed it. I also made some new friends and I am excited to see how our friendship grows overtime.

I hope and pray may the next year be the best year for all. From resolutions to bucket lists, I hope you check them all off this year!

Happy new year to all my friends and family. I love you all very much!

