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My Journal

2022–Year in Review

2022 was a very interesting year for me. It started off by me traveling to Pakistan with my parents and we visited my mom’s side of the family in Sindh province after almost two decades. I ended up getting sick there as usual, but I got to explore Sindh culture, reunite with some of my friends and family, had some delicious food, and did lots of shopping, of course. I bought a few custom made items from Pakistan which I wore on eid-ul-fitr and eid-ul adha and they were a huge hit! I also started a ramadan outfit series on instagram and wore some of my favorite outfits and people loved them! See below for reference (click each photo to see the original instagram post and read more in the caption).

I feel like this this year I really embraced my culture and had so much fun experimenting with Pakistani fashion. I wore colors and styles I wouldn’t normally wear and I already have so many outfit ideas in mind. I often get told I should be a stylist. But idk…maybe someday…

I visited UK for my birthday in September and it was so much fun! My aunt lives in London and my mom got to reunite with her after few years so that was nice. I had high tea at Harrods for my birthday all thanks to my friend Michele who got it as a birthday present for me so I took my cousin and we both enjoyed it so much! My cousins took me around and I got to explore London with them. We also took a road trip to Bath, Cardiff, and Bristol. I immediately fell in love with Bath. I was only there for few hours but I plan on going back and exploring more as it’s so beautiful and charming.

I visited the tulip festival in NJ for the first time and it was a sight to see. I also went to New Hope, PA, and Lambertville, NJ and it was so lovely. I always wanted to go there and visit.

I didn’t get to check everything off my list this year, but I did attend some fun events, visited some new places, and revisited some of my favorite places with my friends.

One thing I regret not doing enough is photography. I created so many instagram reels, but not enough photos and I really miss taking photos and doing photoshoots. I did improve my video taking skills but it’s just not the same, you know? So my goal for 2023 is to take more photos and do more photoshoots like I use to.

I also got a tiktok and plan on sharing some of my favorite random things there but since I am not really familiar with the platform, it has been a bit of a learning curve for me as I am so use to creating instagram reels. I guess I am just a millennial in my 30’s trying to learn tiktok and it has been nothing but a struggle so far 😅

I didn’t really take good care of my health so my goal for 2023 is to eat healthy and work out so I don’t feel like garbage.

No one really reads my journal but if you are reading this, I wish you a very happy new year. May 2023 take you to places you have never been before ❤️

